About this blog

Hello everyone, welcome to the latest piece of unremarkable, self-indulgent shite the web has to offer. Excited? It's not inconceivable that you could be! Yeah!

Before I disappear in a mire of irony ridden self-deprecation, let me defend this blog as having a legitimate purpose: I aspire one day to a career in music journalism, and a blog is a good way to prove my commitment to such a career. Thus, I’ll be writing a lot about different music I’ve come across, as well as films, books and other things. This will have nothing to do with release date or anything else, just what I happen to be occupying myself with, which may or may not result in the hilarious situation of my reviewing the Bible and saying 'it's a bit rapey'.

I’ve developed my own personal rating system, which you can see in the corresponding post. I also thought that considering I live in Russia, cut off from international information super highways by Hitler’s iron grip as it is, I might as well open your eyes to life here too. I’ll try not to just write about everything that happens, just cool stuff like how Putin is creating a super race of giant Matroshka dolls which when killed only split into smaller dolls which themselves do the same ad infinitum. On a more serious note what I mean is that I won’t write about what the food tastes like or how my vocab’s coming along.
